I try very hard to understand Winkel's G.U.T,
but seem unable to really grasp the idea.
Maybe some gentlemen here could help.
I think that...
The law of third,
says most of the time,
ONLY "24numbers/37spins"
at the 37th spin.
if only 24hit/37spins.
13sleep vs 24hit .
this mean, most of the time,
if we take 24/37 as a parameter,
in 37spins,
hit will be more than sleep,
by 24-13=11time.
the tilt point, is when...
18unhit vs 18hit
thus from 18hit to 24hit=6more hit.
1]if there no repeat in the first of 18hit/18spins,
which possible but, quite low probability,
then 6more hit will likely to occur in next 17spins.
if we assume there will 24hit/37spins
this mean, the risk=6hit/17spins,
which will cause huge losses, if we flatbet all 17spins...and the winning come late!
Where The Risk?
if the
18unhit vs 18 hit,
[with presume 24hit/37spins],
24-18=6 ,there will 6 more hit, at 37th spin.
then to win at least a single hit,
=6hit minus 5 losses=1.
6hit + 5losses=11spins.
meaning we must win 6spin in next 11spins bet!
thus 37-11=26th spins.
this mean if at 26th spin,
the result is 18 unhit vs 18hit,
and we presume that 24hit/37spin, will materialised, then, if flatbet all
remaining spins=11spins, and the 24/37.
then u will win 1spin...presume the winning come late.
Of course if the winning come early, then why bet the remaining bet!?
18hit will normaly materialized after more than 20spins, meaning there will be at least two repeat.
If at 20th spin,
there is 18unhit vs 18hit,
then take 24/37 as parameter.
the risk= 6hit in next 17spins.
below a table of what I think, if we take the average=24hit in 37spins.
With the 18 vs 18 , as the tilt point.
if ..
if 24hit/37 as parameter.
18 vs 18 happend at 18th spin.
then at 37th spin, the risk, will be=6hit in next 19 spins!
EXAMPLE= if 18vs18,
happened at 18th spins=
then37-18=19remaining spin,
the risk will be 6hit in 19spins.
if 18unhit vs 18hit happen at....
1]18th spin=then the risk=6hit in next 19spins.
1]18th spin=6hit/19spins.
8]25th=6/12 equilibrium
9]26th=6/11 sure win.
above table assume that the wins come late and flatbet.
of course,
1] the win will come early.
2]the above just a risk table if u set the parameter to 24hit in 37spins, which may not happen!
3]u may adjust the parameter to 23,22,20 etc.
What U think?
I try very hard to understand Winkel's G.U.T,
but seem unable to really grasp the idea.
Maybe some gentlemen here could help.
I think that...
The law of third,
says most of the time,
ONLY "24numbers/37spins"
at the 37th spin.
if only 24hit/37spins.
13sleep vs 24hit .
this mean, most of the time,
if we take 24/37 as a parameter,
in 37spins,
hit will be more than sleep,
by 24-13=11time.
the tilt point, is when...
18unhit vs 18hit
thus from 18hit to 24hit=6more hit.
1]if there no repeat in the first of 18hit/18spins,
which possible but, quite low probability,
then 6more hit will likely to occur in next 17spins.
if we assume there will 24hit/37spins
this mean, the risk=6hit/17spins,
which will cause huge losses, if we flatbet all 17spins...and the winning come late!
Where The Risk?
if the
18unhit vs 18 hit,
[with presume 24hit/37spins],
24-18=6 ,there will 6 more hit, at 37th spin.
then to win at least a single hit,
=6hit minus 5 losses=1.
6hit + 5losses=11spins.
meaning we must win 6spin in next 11spins bet!
thus 37-11=26th spins.
this mean if at 26th spin,
the result is 18 unhit vs 18hit,
and we presume that 24hit/37spin, will materialised, then, if flatbet all
remaining spins=11spins, and the 24/37.
then u will win 1spin...presume the winning come late.
Of course if the winning come early, then why bet the remaining bet!?
18hit will normaly materialized after more than 20spins, meaning there will be at least two repeat.
If at 20th spin,
there is 18unhit vs 18hit,
then take 24/37 as parameter.
the risk= 6hit in next 17spins.
below a table of what I think, if we take the average=24hit in 37spins.
With the 18 vs 18 , as the tilt point.
if ..
if 24hit/37 as parameter.
18 vs 18 happend at 18th spin.
then at 37th spin, the risk, will be=6hit in next 19 spins!
EXAMPLE= if 18vs18,
happened at 18th spins=
then37-18=19remaining spin,
the risk will be 6hit in 19spins.
if 18unhit vs 18hit happen at....
1]18th spin=then the risk=6hit in next 19spins.
1]18th spin=6hit/19spins.
8]25th=6/12 equilibrium
9]26th=6/11 sure win.
above table assume that the wins come late and flatbet.
of course,
1] the win will come early.
2]the above just a risk table if u set the parameter to 24hit in 37spins, which may not happen!
3]u may adjust the parameter to 23,22,20 etc.
What U think?