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Re: P.A :PREACHING about HG!

Thanks Atlantis,
for your contribution.

below, I paste, some wonderful ideas of progressions,
By the respected GLC, respected Tomla, and respected Albalaha.

These will help the NEWBIES, and  save them ,  hours of headache and heartache, and bulged eyeballs, searching in the net. hehehee

you may test them, and see whether they suit yours...


can someone recommend a good double dozen/column progression that's not to drastic
« Reply #3 on:

+2 on a loss, -1 on a win.

By GLC...

Here's an even chance betting system that will almost guarantee you a win every trip to the casino.  At times you will be in a real battle, but in the end you should pull out for a win.

The idea is based on the fact that when betting an even chance on a single zero wheel you should win on average 47 out of every 100 bets.  At a flat bet, you will end up about 6 units down every 100 bets.

I propose that if you recover losses at a rate of more than 1 to 1, you should be able to improve you record over a flat bet.  In other words, if you could recover say 2 losses with every win, you would find yourself ahead at the end of an average 100 bets.

Now this betting method tries to recover 1.5 to 2 losses with a win.

Here's how we do it.

We bet 1 unit until we lose.  After the 1st loss our next bet is 2 units.  If we wanted to we could just bet 1 unit to recover the lost bet, and if you like more of a grind, there's nothing to stop you from doing that.

I like to bet 2 units on my 1st recovery bet because most wins will happen in the 1st 2 bets and betting 1 then 2 results in a 1 unit win if either bet wins.

As you lose, every lost bet is recorded creating a line from left to right.  If we lose our 2 unit recovery bet, our line will look like this:  1,2.  Now in this case, since we want to recover at least 1.5 bets with every win, we bet 3 units which will wipe out the 1 and the 2 and we start over with 1 unit.

If we lose the 3 unit recovery bet our line is: 1,2,3.  Now we continue to bet 3 units until we recover the 1 & 2.  Every time we lose a 3 unit recovery bet, we write a 3 at the end of our line.  This will have to be recovered.

As long as there is a 1 to recover, we never bet more than 3 units.  Let's say we lose our 1st four 3 unit recovery bets.  Our line is 1,2,3,3,3,3.  If we win our next recovery bet of 3 units our line is: 3,3,3,3.  At this point we go to a recovery bet of 5 or 6.  4 doesn't work because it only recovers 1 and a third bets and we want to recover at least 1 and a half losses.  Now you can bet 4 if you want.  It will recover more than 1 loss and should work in the long run, but it will create more of a grind.

If we bet say 5, every time we win, we will have a 1 unit leftover unit which we will write on another recovery line and it will have to be recovered along with any other odd units that aren't recovered from our first line.  This also will help keep our bets smaller.

I hope this is clear.  If not just ask and I'll try to clarify.


Here's the same idea presented for dozens and columns.  We want to wipe out 3 losses with every win.

Bet 1 unit until you lose 3 more than you win.  Your line is 1,1,1.

Your next bet is 2 because a win will wipe out all 3 lost bets.

Every time you lose before you finally win, add a 2 to the end of your line.

Once all the 1's or recovered, all you will have left are 2's.  A 3 unit bet will wipe out 3 each 2's, so we bet 3 units.

3 each 3 unit bets = 9 units so to recover 3's we bet 5 units.
3 each 5 unit bets = 15 units so to recover 5's we bet 8 unit bets.  Etc...

If we have any extra units recovered, just let them go onto our wins total.  Example: 3 each 5 unit bets = 15, but an 8 unit bet wins 16 units.  16-15 = 1unit.  Let this just be a unit won when the line is totally recovered.

I have been testing this by playing for a dozen to repeat and it has been working fine.  Sometimes we do get in the hole a bit and it takes a grind or a lucky streak to work out of it, but so far it has always happened.

Long stretches of above average losses are part and parcel to roulette and have to be contended with no matter what bet method you employ.  This one tends to keep the unit size from escalating too rapidly and it does recover eventually.

I'm sure there's a session where you just can't win even 1/3 of the bets, so as with any gambling system, you have to have a stop loss unless you're wealthy enough to not need one.


Can you have a bet system for the streets and a separate one for the single numbers or are they tied together some way?


Here's for the line bets.

There's some room for personal preference here.  I am using 7 losses because we want to wipe out more than 5 losses with each win.  If we wiped out 5 losses, we would not have an edge at wiping out the previous line of losses.  We could go to 8, 9 or even 10, but our next bet size would climb at a faster rate.  6,7,8,9 or 10 are all workable.  Not one is more correct than the other.  They just effect the rate at which the next bet size climbs.

Okay, here's for 7:

Bet 1 unit on the last Line to hit until you lose 7 times in a row.
Go to 2 units on each Line until you hit  once which will wipe out the 7 1's.
If you haven't reached 7 losses in a row at 2 units by the time you hit and wipe out the 1's, keep betting 2 units per line until you reach 7 losses, then go to 3 units on each bet. 

The reason I say 7 for the 2's is because a hit at 3 units = 15 units won and the seven 2's = 14 units.
Do not go to 3 units per bet until you have hit at 2 units per bet even if that is 15 or more 2 unit bets. 

You always stay at the same number of units per bet until you hit and wipe out the previous level. 

If at that hit you are at or beyond 7 losses at that level, you can go to the next level.

Here is a chart for what the next level is to wipe out the 7 losses on the previous level.

Seven 1's are cleared by 1 hit at 2 units.
Seven 2's are cleared by a hit at 3 units.
Seven 3's are cleared by a hit at 5 units.
Seven 5's are cleared by 1 hit at 7 units.
Seven 7's are cleared by 1 hit at 10 units.
Seven 10's are cleared by a hit at 14 units.
Seven 14's are cleared by 1 hit at 20 units.

This is a long haul, but I have never lost any test with this concept.

One thing I want to clarify is that if you are betting say 5 units trying to clear seven 3's and you win at 5 units after the 3rd try, you continue to bet at 5 units until you either hit and clear all the previous 5 unit losses or reach seven 5 unit losses at which time you go to 7 unit bets.

If you don't hit on the 5 unit bet until the 12th attemp, this will wipe out the seven 3's and it's over the seven 5's that will be cleared by a hit at 7 units, so we immediately go to the 7 unit bet level.

The streets, splits and even the straight up numbers can be played by adapting this method to each payout.

By the way, I've never been able to come up with a better system for bet selection than to ftl or follow-the-last.  So, all my testing is done with that bet selection.  If you have a selection method that is better at any location on the board, please share with us.

Be sure and test this before playing for the real stuff so you know what to expect.

Also, since this is a bet method, you can stop in the middle of a run and pick up at the same place tomorrow if you run out of time.



In reply #3 regarding playing 2:1 bets I forgot to mention that if you are playing to clear a level such as playing 2 unit bets to clear the 3  1's, you don't go to the 3 unit bet level until you have either cleared the ones or reached 3  2 unit bet losses.

Example:  your line is 1,1,1,2,2,2    Now because we haven't cleared the 1 unit level, even though we have 2  2 units bet losses, we stay at 2 unit bets until we finally have a hit to clear the 1's.

This may not happen for 8 more bets.  Our line would be 1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2.  If on the next bet we win a 2 unit bet, this clears our 1 unit level and we can go on to betting 3 units because every 3 unit win clears 3  2 unit losses.

Another example:  your line is 1,1,1,2.  If on the next bet we win at the 2 unit level and clear the 1 unit level we do not go to the 3 unit level because we don't have 3  2 unit losses yet.  We stay at the 2 unit level until we either clear it by winning 2 unit bets or we lose 3  2 unit bets.  At that time we can go to the 3 unit level to clear the 2 unit level.

This is a safeguard to keep our bets from rising too rapidly.

If you wanted to really be safe, you could double everything.  Meaning, play at the 1 unit level until you lose 6 units and then go to the 2 unit level to recover.  Stay at the 2 unit level until you have won twice which will clear the 6  1's on the 1 unit level and if you have lost 6 times at the 2 unit level, you can move to the 3 unit level.  Etc...

As you can see, this is very flexible.  Depends on how conservative you want to play.



Here's a modified D'Alembert bet progression that has an uncanny ability to win units for you.
Played on even chance bets of all kinds.
+1 after every loss
-1 after 1st win
+1 after 2nd win
-1 after 3rd win
+1 after 4th win
-1 after 5th win  (note:  these are consecutive wins like this WWWWW not WLLWWLLLLWLLLW)
keep same pattern if needed to recover but if you need more than 5 wins you've been on a really bad losing streak.
In other words if we win 3 times in a row and we are betting 6 on our 1st win we will bet 5 on our next bet and if we win this 2nd time we will go back to 6 for our 3rd bet.
Anytime you reach a new high bank, cut bet amount in half.
Let's say you are betting 10 units and you just had a win and reached a new high bank at 80 units.  Normally you would keep alternating between 10 and 9 until you lose, but since you are at a new high, cut your bet in half to 5 units and continue the trot.
We don't reset to 1 after reaching even or +1.  Rather we keep playing the progression until we reach our win target of say 50 units.
We cut our bets in half whenever we reach a new high because if we didn't, our bet sizes would just continue to grow larger since the most we decrease our bet amount by is 1 unit.  We also cut our bet size in half if we get close to a new high bank.  This is a judgement call on your part.
In other words, if I were betting 10 units and I got to within 5 or 6 units of reaching a new high win amount, I would drop my bet size down to 5 units.  This helps keep our bets from escalating too rapidly if we happen to go into a strong losing trend just when we were about to reach a new high.
Bet 1 and lose  -1
Bet 2  and lose  -3
bet 3 and lose -6
bet 4 and lose -10
bet 5 and win -5
bet 4 and win -1
bet 5 and lose -6
bet 6 and win 0
bet 5 and win +5  this is a new high so we cut our bet in half. 2 units or 3 units. you decide.
bet 2 and win +7
bet 1 and win +8
bet 2 and win +10
bet 1 and lose +9
bet 2 and lose +6
bet 3 and lose +3
bet 4 and win +7
bet 3 and win +10
bet 4 and lose +6
bet 5 and win +11  New high so cut bet in half
bet 2 and win +13  New high so cut bet in half
bet 1 and lose +12
bet 2 and lose +10
bet 3 and win +13
bet 2 and win +15
bet 1 and lose +14
bet 2 and lose +12
bet 3 and lose +9
bet 4 and lose +5
bet 5 and lose 0
bet 6 and lose -6
bet 7 and win +1
bet 6 and win +7
bet 7 and lose 0
bet 8 and lose -8
bet 9 and lose -17
bet 10 and lose -27
bet 11 and win -16
bet 10 and win -6
bet 11 and win +5
bet 10 and lose -5
bet 11 and lose -16
bet 12 and win -4
bet 11 and win +7
bet 12 and win +19  New high so cut bet in half.
bet 6 and lose +13
bet 7 and lose +6
bet 8 and win +14
bet 7 and win +21  New high so cut bet in half
bet 3 and lose +18
bet 4 and lose +14
bet 5 and lose +9
bet 6 and win +15
bet 5 and win +20
bet 6 and win +26  New high so cut bet in half
bet 3 and win +29  New high
bet 2 and win +31
27 wins
28 losses
+31 units up
largest bet was 12 units
-27 largest drawdown
This is easy to play and very powerful.
The fact that we don't -1 unit after every win helps us to recover with fewer wins.
I know, there's a sequence that can cause us to have larger drawdowns than we like and have to bet larger bet sizes than we like, but with a decent bank to start with, you should be able to weather most series.
Pick a stop-loss in case of a nightmare session.
Give it a test run and you might be surprised.

First of all, my thanks to Tomla021 for sharing this 4 step bet method with me. It's not invincible, but it has been holding strong so far and still much better than your average system.

We start with 4 units and we use them to win 4 more units. It's a very clever positioning of the won units that makes this a strong method. Explanation follows.

Here's our chart. It has 4 patterns. Memorize it. It's easy to do.
1 1 1 1 = 4 units
1 2 1 1 = 5 units
1 1 2 2 = 6 units
1 1 2 3 = 7 units

Start with 4 units 1 1 1 1
Bet the 1st unit. If it wins, put it on the 2nd unit like this 1 2 1 1.
Bet the 1st unit. If it wins, put it on the 4th unit and move 1 unit from the 2nd position to the 3rd position like this 1 1 2 2.
Bet the 1st unit. If it wins, put it on the 4th position like this 1 1 2 3.
Bet the 1st unit. If it wins, we have won 4 units. Goal accomplished.

But what if we don't win 4 times in a row?

We always bet the leftmost position and we always try to re-create the above positions.
We bet the 1st unit and if we lose, we bet the 2nd unit.
If we win on the 2nd unit we replace the 1st lost unit and we have 1 1 1 1 again. Start over.
If we win the 1st bet we will have 1 2 1 1. If we lose the next bet we will have X 2 1 1.
The leftmost number is 2 which we bet. If we win, we will have 6 units. We look at our chart and see what pattern is made up of 6 units. It's 1 1 2 2. That's our new pattern and we now bet the leftmost position, the 1st position or 1 unit.
Note: We only recreate our chart after a win. Everything stays in place after a loss.

If we win 2 times and then lose 2 times we will have X X 2 2. Since we just lost we don't re-arrange the units so our next bet is 2. A win here and we are re-arrange our chart to 1 1 2 2.
If we lose 3 times we will havel X X X 2. We bet the 2 and if we win we will have 4 units and anytime we have 4 units after a win, we re-create the 4 units pattern, 1 1 1 1.

If we have the 1 1 2 3 pattern and we lose 3 times in a row we will have X X X 3 so we bet 3. If we win we will have 6 units so we re-create the 6 units pattern, 1 1 2 2 and bet the 1st 1 next.

As you can see, the way we move the units around maximizes our chances of staying alive until we can win our 4 units.
This can be the foundation of a lot of betting methods to give us a better chance to walk away with a few chips.
I could stop right here. But I won't.

All we have to do is substitute this 4 unit series for a single unit. For example, let's say we're betting D'Alembert or +1 on a loss and -1 on a win. Instead of 1 unit we substitue 4 units. We play our 4 unit pattern and if we lose, that represents a 1 unit loss so we +1 and our next pattern is 2 2 2 2. We play it the same way as the 1 1 1 1 and if we win, we will have won 8 units which represents 2 units -1 unit = +1 unit. Remember a unit is = to 4 units.

With a little thought, you can use this betting pattern with every bet progression there is!
Will it perform better than a single unit?
Well, that's the rest of the story. And it's yet to be determined.


I have tried it with a variety of progressions:

The simplest is a simple D'Alembert or +1/-1
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7

This works just fine. It's a little slow, but effective. If you want to make it more of a grind, you can play the double Alembert
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3

Or for those who want a more aggressive version of Alembert
1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3
5 5 5 5
7 7 7 7
9 9 9 9

A simple martingale is also very effective. I have tried it and just can't seem to get past the 16 level.
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
4 4 4 4
8 8 8 8
16 16 16 16
32 32 32 32
64 64 64 64

Any time we complete a level, we will be at +4

1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
5 5 5 5
8 8 8 8
13 13 13 13
21 21 21 21
34 34 34 34

Remember, we have to win 2 levels to fully recover. The level of our 1st win and the level just below it.

Using the ambidex bet method may be too complicated especially if the bet selection system wins on a flat bet.
That would be too good to be true.
This may be more info than most of you are interested in, but if even one of you can fit it into your arsenal, it'll be worth it.



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