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Re: Luck? Turned $285 bankroll to $5300g

There are all kinds of people on gambling forums, 3 types are:

1. greedy lazy gamblers looking for a free lunch (majority)
2. those that know and don't see the need to prove themselves, but help those that are willing to work if they can without giving away all their secrets
3. those that try to use shame tactics to gode others into proving their claims

Then there are the others that just do not have enough of an open mind to grasp that they might be wrong. :girl_to:

This may be my last post, if it is, those that know my ideas work, you have my email address, you know who you are.  :thumbsup:

The forum becomes counter productive when posters claim to have a winning strategy but will not share it or have the belief hey i worked for it im not giving you a free lunch. Better for those posters not to enter a forum of people seeking a winning strategy

Very counter productive

Thats why those people take heat

Not everyone can share and be as helpful as atlantis, glc, and guys like that. If that were the case the forum would be a gold mine

You have people that come here say they have something and dont share it. Then someone like GLC who spends god knows how long writing an informative post on a strategy with examples and bet selection.

Couldnt get that from the "hey i worked for it you cant have my free lunch" people

I vote for more posters who engage in conversation and are helpful then the people "haha i have something and u cant have it" kindegarten style

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