This is a tweak/combination of my "Hellraiser" and "Pinhead" strategies. This bet seems to be more effective, have a higher hitrate, and takes less time to make profits. Drawdowns are low, of what i've seen so far...
Procedure: For each hit place 2 numbers on the unhit part of the particular STREET hit, in a progressive bet until 8 numbers are bet (2+2+2+2 numbers bet). When 8 numbers are bet do 2 spins, then start a 8 numbers negative progression. (starting with 2u, in the progression-line) STOP and restart at any hit.
progression 8 number =
First test was played with 1u bets wingoal +200u, stoploss(?)
Bankroll needed a minimum of 200u, to be safe 500u.
5/5 Games won
Procedure: For each hit place 2 numbers on the unhit part of the particular STREET hit, in a progressive bet until 8 numbers are bet (2+2+2+2 numbers bet). When 8 numbers are bet do 2 spins, then start a 8 numbers negative progression. (starting with 2u, in the progression-line) STOP and restart at any hit.
progression 8 number =
First test was played with 1u bets wingoal +200u, stoploss(?)
Bankroll needed a minimum of 200u, to be safe 500u.
5/5 Games won