If we only watch the situation 19 0 vs 180, could we say IT MUST CROSS TO 18 0 vs 19 0?Winkel
Is this forced by nature of the game to happen or is it a such rare event, that we couldn´t bet on this to happen?
Is that a math-fact or is it a lie or a trick?
If we have this proven, could we transfer our knowledge to other situations than 0 vs 0?
Yes it's true but is useless information, it's like you are claiming that ''Black'' will hit when there are 19 hits for the ''Black'' and 18 hits for the ''Red''.
In fact, you could bet "Black or ''red'' without waiting and without risking 19 times more units with the same probability.
I really don't see any edge in such bet and cannot understand why so many consider it semi-grail, it's far even from semi-grail status!
It's one thing to say that eventually all numbers will hit and completely another to predict in which specific spin is going to happen.
If you lose with 18 or 19 numbers bet, then what would you do? Martingale?!
What you are missing is ''when'', in other words the timing which is the most important!
Every event will happen eventually, but do you know when??
That's what separates winners from losers, I suggest you study Richard Farrow's timing concepts because with methods as GUT nobody can go far!