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Re: Jodi1: A 'Lower' Natural Split System

Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Monday, February 15,2016 @ 4:49pm CST USA

#9 (newest spin-value)

Bet 8/11:    1.) 8(win)+170
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Monday, February 15,2016 @ 4:51pm CST USA

#21 (newest spin-value)

Bet 20/23:    1.) 7(x)-10*new trigger active

Bet 9/12:      2.) 16(x)-10*

Bet 15/18:    3.) 36(x)-10*

Bet 32/35:    4.) 13(x)-10*

Bet 15/18:    5.) 9(x)-10*

Bet 8/11:      6.) 11(win)+170
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Monday, February 15,216 @ 4:58pm CST USA

Session total: -180

Re: Jodi1: A 'Lower' Natural Split System

Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Monday, February 15,2016 @ 5:17pm CST USA

#3 (newest spin-value)

Bet 2/5:        1.) 21(x)-10*new trigger active

Bet 20/23:    2.) 6(x)-10*

Bet 2/5:        3.) 20(x)-10*

Bet 19/22:    4.) 32(x)-10*

Bet 31/34:    5.) 18(x)-10*

Bet 14/17:    6.) 28(x)-10*

Bet 27.30:    7.) 21(x)-10*

Bet 20/23:    8.) 20(win)+170
Test: BetVoyager RNG European Wheel-
Monday, February 15,2016 @ 5:28pm CST USA

#23 (newest spin-value)

Bet 19/22:    1.) 8(x)-10*new trigger active

Bet 7/10:      2.) 13(x)-10*

Bet 15/18:    3.) 1(x)-10*

Bet 3/6:        4.) 3(win)+170

Re: 9 number method

I'm using both plus many other one, i change method every few wins...  :thumbsup:

Wheel Streets

This is 6 numbers bet, flatbet.

consider these wheel streets (European Wheel)

Wheelstreet1 = 15-19-32
Wheelstreet2 = 2-4-21
Wheelstreet3 = 17-25-34
Wheelstreet4 = 6-13-27
Wheelstreet5 = 11-30-36
Wheelstreet6 = 8-10-23
Wheelstreet7 = 5-16-24
Wheelstreet8 = 1-20-33
Wheelstreet9 = 9-14-31
Wheelstreet10= 18-22-29
Wheelstreet11= 7-12-28
Wheelstreet12= 3-26-35

Procedure: For each hit, bet the two neighbouring wheelstreets for 6 spins, then STOP.

For an example wheelstreet 5 hits, now wheelstreets 4 and 6 are bet for 6 spins.

First test was played with 1u bets
4/5 Games won

Linkback: http://www.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16595.0


Re: American 00 wheel spins.

its a "playable" technique. Easy to play live dealer. bet every spin. no pen or paper.

started at 1,000 ended at 1,500 using $25 chips. quick 20 unit gain  :thumbsup:

give it a WHIRL let me know what ya think

In photo live dealer example look at top left, thats the columns as they hit, newest up top

my NEXT bet would be column 3 (as it was last to hit) and column 2 as it is the "sleeper"

Re: European or American Wheels: Which do you prefer?

The better bet is the 00 wheel in Atlantic City - you only lose 1/2 of your bet on even money bets when the 0 or 00 shows - thus the house edge is only 2.63 as compared to the single 0 euro wheel and it's 2.70 house edge.

Re: PM attachments


Attached is my sheet for live play at Georgian Downs today.
Sorry for the mess.

This was the ultimate hit and run day.
3 spins win $51 and quit in under 10 minutes.

There is one thing to note on this sheet:
Look at the progression drop between spins 47 and 48
This was because after spin #47 the balance was back to a new high.
This same thing appears between spins 55 and 56.


Re: PM attachments

I noticed that the attachment file size is limited to 150kb

Re: rng spins UK bookies

I just would avoid " Rick`s American  Casino". That # 22   on command  hit twice in a row.

Re: friends with a casino employee

He wouldnt lie so its either true or hes misinformed

Re: friends with a casino employee

Here is an interesting one...

The slot machines here in the UK have upped their jackpots from £4,000 to anything up to around £15,000. They are supposed to be completely random and in theory 2 jackpots could go off one spin after the other. So I am in the Grosvenor the other week and one of the machines hits for £12,000 around 11.00pm. I leave this particular casino around midnight and head over to the other Grosvenor Casino across town. One of the women I know there is a regular and plays the slots a lot. So I get chatting to her and she says the jackpot went about an hour earlier for over 10k. What are the odds of that. So my question is was that just a completely random thing or had the Grosvenor decided they had taken enough and programmed the 2 jackpots to go on the same night.


Re: American 00 wheel spins.

Just to say guys.....my payment got sorted out with CelticCasino. I wouldn't want to put anyone off from playing there. The support were actually pretty good today and helpful. Based on my experiences there over the last several weeks, I would rate it on a par with Dublin.


Re: American 00 wheel spins.

100 spins
betting last column to hit and the sleeper

2 loss in a row happened twice
4 loss in a row happened once

other then that several single losses in between a bunch of win streaks
here is an example (ZUMMA)

oldest spin up top, as we go down those are the newest spins and what I'd bet. by this example it should be easy to understand

column hit / what I'd bet / Win or Lose

A (bet B and A) WIN
C (bet A and C) WIN
A (bet C and B) LOSE
B (bet A and B) WIN
B (bet B and C) WIN
A (bet B and C) LOSE
C (bet A and C) WIN
A (bet C and B) LOSE
A (bet A and B) WIN
A (bet A and B) WIN
C (bet A and B) LOSE
A (bet C and B) LOSE
A (bet A and B) WIN
A (bet A and B) WIN
C (bet A and B) LOSE
C (bet C and B) WIN
C (bet C and B) WIN
A (bet C and B) LOSE
B (bet A and B) WIN
A (bet B and C) LOSE
A (bet A and C) WIN
A (bet A and C) WIN

Re: American 00 wheel spins.

So how do we take advantage of a potential hey it might happen sorta thing?

Flat bet a number after it shows twice in 37 spin samples?

well firstly you ask So how do we take advantage of a potential hey it might happen sorta thing?

Job done.

Flat bet a number after it shows twice in 37 spin samples?

Thats not a bad idea. Try it on RX. If you read Turbos link to the forum from 2007 you see he gets accused of being an RX Jockey (a new one on me) But at least I have a name now. RX Jockey
My testing/casino ratio is 80% RX: 20% Casino.

RX is the most useful and beneficial piece of software I ever bought in my life. $30 ?....no brainer

he replied:
Proud to be a RX jockey - it's not only saved me from playing poor methods, it's helped me find great ways to play.....In a real casino....
The two go hand in hand.
When a method fails or is not a very good way to play - then by some people's standards it's the testing that is the problem.
"just play it and see" is too risky. I like to win only with as little risk as possible.

Turbo said recently to take our bets forward. Let the repeats do the work. Dont look back. Look whats coming.

Thats what I am currently looking at

Do me a favour....listen up

You dont have to go to a pub or bar to have a drink. You can buy in and watch a movie.

Dont expect all the answers to be here. Some endless work has to be done at home. Not everyone with 2000 posts knows what to do (and I dont mean I particularly do)

You...and only you can make the light bulb switch on.

here comes the strap line.....

No one really likes tribute acts. They are a poor substitute for the real thing

Re: American 00 wheel spins.

as i sit here looking through zumma......

more often then not when a number repeats it hits a 3rd time shortly after

not all the time...but more often then not

chance raise when there is more then one repeater.....

Re: American 00 wheel spins.

also, for the hell of it take past 10 spins, bet those 10 spins a few times, chances are you will hit a repeater

Re: American 00 wheel spins.

its up and down but more times then not, wins


im going through zumma checkin out those "repeaters"

the more i see this the more i see KTF works well also

wait for 10 hits, bet the other 26 numbers with a +1 -1

only way to really lose big is if its repeater after repeater, which doesnt happen either

good work man

i see absolutely no reason why this method is not good to have in the arsenal

as Tamino says, if u want to dance you have to pay the fiddler
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