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Della1: A First or Third Opposite Natural Split System

*Natural splits:

First Dozen:         1/4     7/10
                            2/5     8/11
                            3/6     9/12

Second Dozen: 13/16     19/22   
                         14/17     20/23     
                         15/18     21/24

Third Dozen:     25/28     31/34
                         26/29     32/35
                         27/30     33/36
Procedure: Note the newest first or third column spin-value.

Bet the direct opposite split on either first or third column for
up to 18 spins.  Stop on a win or after 18 consecutive misses.

Example: ...9,26,11 (newest spin-value)

Number nine is in the third column.  Bet 7/10 for up to 18 spins....

Bankroll suggestion: 54 units per one unit base bet. (splits)
(three bankrolls of 18 units)

Win-Target: +10% of the original bankroll amount.

Linkback: http://www.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16642.0

Re: Della1: A First or Third Opposite Natural Split System

Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Tuesday, February 23,2016 @ 10:13pm CST USA

...28,29 (newest spin-value)

Bet 27/30 for up to 18 spins.  Stop on a win.

1.) 00(x)-10               2.) 33(x)-10               3.) 5(x)-10

4.) 32(x)-10               5.) 00(x)-10               6.) 31(x)-10

7.) 32(x)-10               8.) 30(win)+170
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Tuesday, February 23,2016 @ 10:23pm CST USA

...19,8 (newest spin-value)

Bet 21/24 for up to 18 spins.  Stop on a win.

1.) 23(x)-10               2.) 13(x)-10               3.) 10(x)-10

4.) 34(x)-10               5.) 28(x)-10               6.) 24(win)+170
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Tuesday, February 23,2016 @ 11:09pm CST USA

...22,2 (newest spin-value)

Bet 21/24 for up to 18 spins.  Stop on a win.

1.) 21(win)+170

Re: Della1: A First or Third Opposite Natural Split System

Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Tuesday, February 23,2016 @ 11:11pm CST USA

#3 (newest spin-value)

Bet 1/4 for up to 18 spins.  Stop on a win.

1.) 35(x)-10               2.) 30(x)-10               3.) 28(x)-10

4.) 15(x)-10               5.) 0(x)-10                 6.) 4(win)+170
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Tuesday, February 23,2016 @ 11:17pm CST USA

#16 (newest spin-value)

Bet 15/18 for up to 18 spins.  Stop on a win.

1.) 31(x)-10                  2.) 8(x)-10                   3.) 0(x)-10

4.) 19(x)-10                  5.) 00(x)-10                 6.) 31(x)-10

7.) 13(x)-10                  8.) 9(x)-10                   9.) 23(x)-10

10.) 19(x)-10               11.) 14(x)-10               12.) 3(x)-10

13.) 15(win)+170
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Tuesday, February 23,2016 @ 11:31pm CST USA

...16,8 (newest spin-value)

Bet 15/18 for up to 18 spins.  Stop on a win.

1.) 4(x)-10                    2.) 6(x)-10                   3.) 10(x)-10

4.) 5(x)-10                    5.) 4(x)-10                   6.) 17(x)-10

7.) 31(x)-10                  8.) 22(x)-10                 9.) 10(x)-10

10.) 19(x)-10               11.) 25(x)-10               12.) 18(win)+170

Re: Della1: A First or Third Opposite Natural Split System

Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Tuesday, February 23,2016 @ 11:45pm CST USA

#19 (newest spin-value)

Bet 21/24 for up to 18 spins.  Stop on a win.

1.) 6(x)-10                 2.) 25(x)-10               3.) 35(x)-10

4.) 17(x)-10               5.) 4(x)-10                 6.) 21(win)+170
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Tuesday, February 23,2016 @ 11:52pm CST USA

Session total: -180
Test: BetVoyager RNG European Wheel-
Wednesday, February 24,2016 @ 12:15am CST USA

#30 (newest spin-value)

Bet 25/28 for up to 18 spins.  Stop on a win.

1.) 8(x)-10                 2.) 16(x)-10               3.) 32(x)-10

4.) 6(x)-10                 5.) 3(x)-10                 6.) 22(x)-10

7.) 32(x)-10               8.) 31(x)-10               9.) 17(x)-10

10.) 25(win)+170

Re: Onion Method

Re: Street Betting System

Thanks for your reply.  I don't think I could bet 92 units on each of nine streets in order to win just a few units.

Also if the 92 unit bet was a loss that would be a cumulative loss of approx. 1,100 units.


Re: Even Chance Method

It is a little like pattern 4 but with an easier twitch  ;) I like it, good work! Will be interesting to test.

Re: Turbo Genius

Sorry, just noticed this - I still play it, but not often.
I did make some modifications working the dozens and columns together into the charting
It's "so-so". lol

Instead of (before) recording dozens...1,2,2,2 and then betting against 1,2,2,2 happening again,
I moved towards including the columns also ('A' 1-34, 'B' 2-35, 'C' 3-36) which gives me something that looks like : 1A,2B,2C,2B (for example) - and now I can bet against that happening again (amazingly it almost never does).
I think this looks alot like the code 4. Similar but an easier twist  8)
Are you using a progression or flat betting?

Re: Turbo Genius

Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby.


Mark 7:28 says "even the dogs eat the crumbs from the masters table".

If you have the Holy Grail Ken even the
'crumbs' are appreciated, never mind the naysayers.

I as well as anyone else seeking to make this
lucrative would be willing to listen and improve our play.

Re: Trendz

Re: Trendz

Re: NEW Ideas for The Holy Grail Roulette System

For professionals like me I will join, with same name.

Re: Every 12-18 months (imo)

In Australian casinos its law that you get a statement showing winnings and losses.  But you need a card and membership.


Topman Dave
Yes thats the annoying part having to pay for a number. Is it minimum unit $1, can it be split to .20 or .25 cent units.

So this is 14 unique with +1/-1, remove the hit unique.
Have you been testing this on numbers from the gov site, will you build a data base on this sites spins? is there a marquee of previous spins, where whilst collecting your spins, you could watch how those unique come in your spins, if say 8 of your spins, those already there have not hit, so could you not combine those spins together and bet for the repeat?

Re: Are there really 37 possible outcomes?

Can you shed some more light on chaos theroy, if a butterfly flaps its wings and may be the cause of a tornado,i'll need some help to open HG's door



What you say is true for that particular session.
Some things are constant in all my sessions and some are not.
Compare the session sheet you are referring to to the one in Post #335
In that session I started betting at spin #16.

1. Playing for repeats to hit. (THIS IS NOT PLAYING THE KTF WAY)
2. Progression is normally +1/-1 (see below)
3. Any hit numbers are removed

1. Entry point to start betting - This is the toughest part of this and is based on Winkels GUT strategy, Nottos avg sheets, LOTT, and the explanations of these in the posts of Winkel, Azim, TwoCatsSam and Nottophammer. This has to be learned and I am by no means at a level of competencancy comparable to the above mentioned people but I do quite well and just keep moving forward.

2. If the progression is high, say at the seventh or eighth level, and I win a spin I may drop the progression right back to the 1st level if a new high is hit. Because the overall stakes are lower than KTF but the win amount is the same, it is possible to actually lose 3 spins in a row and be at a new high with a win on the next spin.

I hope this helps answer your question.


its getting interesting, keep going, we are all interested,those 0X's then 1X's ain't they good

Re: RNG vs Real Wheel (RW)


26 gets answered at 31

Re: rng spins UK bookies

Haha, I always liked Charles Dickens and Agatha Christie's humorous style of writing, even in serious situations...

Thanks Hammer!

Re: RNG vs Real Wheel (RW)

Roulette is a mechanical device. Whatever is mechanical is not capable to give you real randomness of events. It will always have some kind of order. Well, not always, but most times. Or just many times.

Remember, that is what British and Polish intelligence used when cracked German Enigma. When operators used it, they did not use it really randomly, they had some patterns repeated over and over again. Because it is very hard for either human or mechanical device to be always random. And there you had both at work, just like at the roulette wheel in a casino. So they tracked those patterns thoroughly. And they were never able to crack the machine completely, they just cracked lots of info, but not all. Just like in roulette, even if u can win, it is impossible to do all the time, each time for thousands of spins. If you try u will always lose.

Computers are different story though. Computer can give u anything u want if programmed  properly for that goal. So here goes an answer to your question why RNG and a physical wheel are different.

i like the above, i like the part ( they had some patterns repeated over and over again.)(So they tracked those patterns thoroughly. And they were never able to crack the machine completely, they just cracked lots of info, but not all.) This is like the FOBT its patterns, patternes of what? Answer 0x,1x and >1x there you have it.

Now i collect games on FOBT around 879, but have neglected up dating, but this has inspired me to up date the FOBT games, the results in the FOBT data, is close to the data in jackpot247. The info from them is knowledge,it gives avg to hit,max to hit and much more, Gut,LOTT,X uniques in X spins, will all help in your decissions.
That small collected data is so valuable.

Imagine this then. Roulette has been played for what over 200 years, imagine if someone had started collecting games at the start,we'd have 200 years of game data showing what,average forwhat a  non-hit takes to hit, max a non-hit could take, after 200 years of game data,one using a rolling 100 games, another for 1,000 games and why not a million, each time a new games data is added,would it change that dramatically. If all 3 sets of data  said the 10th non-hit takes a max of 6 spins, its avg 2 spins,after 200 years if you was playing and see it missed for 3 spins would you not now bet
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