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Re: Math proof that roulette cannot be beaten

What do you think bayes? I extremely value your thoughts too.


Your question poses a bit of a dilemma for me, because on the one hand, I'm a "math guy". That means I respect the maths and "believe" it. On the other hand, I'm also a system junkie, and without boasting I claim to have done rather well out of roulette playing my systems.

I absolute get what the General is saying. The random game of roulette cannot be beaten because IF spins are equally likely and independent, no winning system is possible - that's one definition of what random MEANS - equally likely and independent. Simple logic.

However, how do I explain the fact that the house edge hasn't caught up with me? The general will say it's because I've essentially been lucky (riding a temporary positive variance), but I know enough about probability and statistics to know that it can't be so, because "luck" runs out eventually. I also know a few others who have been similarly "lucky".

So I propose the following hypothesis which may account for my success. The random game of roulette really only exists in some Platonic realm where mathematical equations are real (not just models of the world) and *dictate* outcomes, which is absurd. There is the random game of roulette and there's the real game which the general exploits because real wheels are not Platonic wheels.

So in the real world we can strike out one of the twin pillars of randomness - that outcomes are equally likely - at least sometimes and for some wheels it is not the case. Is it so absurd, then, to suggest that the remaining pillar of randomness - independence - also exists only in a Platonic realm?

After all, you can't *prove* independence. You can test for it, and of course outcomes really are independent in the sense that each pocket remains on the wheel between spins, but independence can be violated in other ways, and the tests for independence such as Chi-Square etc are just that - tests. And there are any number of ways of testing. Do you know how many statistical tests are out there? literally hundreds, and more being invented all the time.

Testing a simple scenario like "after 10 reds in a row black is more likely" will always return the apparently obvious and common sense result that these events are independent when using the simple tests which everyone knows about (well, all statisticians anyway). No argument from me there, but is that sufficient to put an end to the matter? I don't believe so.

You may argue that non-bias and independence are fundamentally different beasts and that no-one has ever found a wheel which generates dependent outcomes, but plenty of wheels have been found to be biased. But that just begs the question - it *assumes* the very thing to be proved.

Also, without wishing to deflect from the topic, there's a massive inconsistency going on here between Turbo and the general. I have great respect for both you guys but Turbo ain't no AP. If "math beats a math game" (and I agree, taking a broad view of "math"), how come the general always backs up Turbo when he obviously believes no such thing? The general believes that "Physics beats a physics game", and that *anything* else is fallacious. Yet he apparently indulges *Turbo's* fallacy while trashing everyone else's.


Re: Math proof that roulette cannot be beaten

Also, without wishing to deflect from the topic, there's a massive inconsistency going on here between Turbo and the general. I have great respect for both you guys but Turbo ain't no AP. If "math beats a math game" (and I agree, taking a broad view of "math"), how come the general always backs up Turbo when he obviously believes no such thing? The general believes that "Physics beats a physics game", and that *anything* else is fallacious. Yet he apparently indulges *Turbo's* fallacy while trashing everyone else's.
Because he has respect for him, and doesnt for others and his heart is ruling his head on this one. Call it a soft spot, kinda like a murderer helping a cat out of a tree just after he wasted his family in the house...but less serious lol

Re: Math proof that roulette cannot be beaten

Hi All,

I welcome anyone to post in this thread. The main intention of this thread is to prove with a mathematic equation that roulette cannot be beaten.
Yes indeed roulette cannot be beaten with mathematic equation, so dear Priyanka you need to find another path.  :lol: or you will fail.

Re: Math proof that roulette cannot be beaten

Because he has respect for him, and doesnt for others and his heart is ruling his head on this one. Call it a soft spot, kinda like a murderer helping a cat out of a tree just after he wasted his family in the house...but less serious lol

I think I'm offended but I'm not sure. (climbs higher up the tree to think about it)

Bayes and others have a great point. Basically -
What If I win or someone wins - have they beaten the game ?.
This is roulette and math.. you have to (HAVE TO) ask yourself -
"Can I do the exact same thing that person did (or is doing) and win the same way ?"
No.. not with almost all systems and methods that have been posted (since forever).
Player A could go and win win win win and Player B will lose on the first try and quit using it.
Player C might win and lose and win and eventually lose.
The total of ALL of their play will be the negative house edge - math says so.
Player A can say all day that it's the Holy Grail, Player B can say it "sucks", Player C will argue
that "hey, sometimes it works - sometimes it doesn't, I ended up losing".
So is this any proof ? No, not unless you look at the "BIG PICTURE" - that is where proof comes from -
it eliminates "luck" (which isn't a real thing anyway).
See ? Everyone should stop thinking as one person who may use something and win - giving it credit when another player can't win using the exact same rules.

Re: Math proof that roulette cannot be beaten

@ Bayes

No Blushes, but I always admire how you dont use your knowledge as a battering ram. You have a very open mind.

Knowledge shouldnt stifle your doubt.

I always agree with you...which is no accolade lol

I am similar. When I learn something and become an expert, I feel empowered, but my drive always lies in the feeling that I could be wrong.

No one likes a smart arse...and thats the balance you achieve.

Never becoming one.

Re: Math proof that roulette cannot be beaten

Speak for yourself. I don't know they're looking down the wrong hole. And there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The lengths you go to to not let dependence get a foot in the door are quite remarkable.

A bit of intellectual dishonesty don't ya think?. ;)

Re: Math proof that roulette cannot be beaten

A bit of intellectual dishonesty don't ya think?. ;)

How so? You'll have to spell it out for me.  :)

You mentioned that it can be proved that spins are independent. I say we can only assume it, not prove it. Where is the proof?

Re: Math proof that roulette cannot be beaten

You mentioned that it can be proved that spins are independent. I say we can only assume it, not prove it. Where is the proof?

In the random game of roulette:

1. The number of pockets on the wheel determines the odds of winning.
2. At each spin of the wheel there are 37 pockets.  The ball is equally likely to fall into any one of the pockets.
3. Once a number has hit the dealer does not block a number for hitting again.
4. Since the number of pockets remains the same from one spin to the next, there is no dependence.

Where people are fooled:

The free mode offered by many of the online casinos/cellphones/games sometimes contain program code that's designed to fool people into believing that they can beat the game. 

Re: Math proof that roulette cannot be beaten

C'mon General, you're just pulling out the standard template again! Give me some credit!  ;D

For starters, 1 & 2 are irrelevant to independence/dependence, 3. is true, but your conclusion in 4. doesn't necessarily follow from the fact that the number of pockets remains the same from one spin to the next. Like I said before, there are other ways dependence can arise. Your analysis is too crude.

Also, you're assuming that I'm committing the gambler's fallacy by using past spins as a guide to future spins. I'm not.

The free mode offered by many of the online casinos/cellphones/games sometimes contain program code that's designed to fool people into believing that they can beat the game. 

You may be right. However, not at the casinos I play at.

And this thread is in danger of wandering off course. I think we should let Priyanka have the floor.

Re: Math proof that roulette cannot be beaten

Whatever floats your boat. ;)

Perhaps you should debate recorded history, rather than me.  I've proven my point.


Today KTF +54
Code: [Select]
Spin No.	Spin	Repeat?	Non-hit count	Progression	Result	Bank
1 10 37
2 33 36
3 17 35
4 36 34
5 34 33
6 10 R 32
7 35 32
8 29 31
9 20 30
10 6 29
11 20 R 28 1 -28 -28
12 2 28 2 16 -12
13 32 27 1 9 -3
14 19 26 1 10 7
15 36 R 25 1 -25 -18
16 26 25 2 22 4
17 23 24 1 12 16
18 22 23 1 13 29
19 3 22 1 14 43
20 33 R 21 1 -21 22
21 33 R 21 2 -42 -20
22 15 21 3 45 25
23 36 R 20 2 -40 -15
24 19 R 20 3 -60 -75
25 33 R 20 4 -80 -155
26 23 R 20 5 -100 -255
27 21 20 6 96 -159
28 28 19 5 85 -74
29 1 18 4 72 -2
30 33 R 17 3 -51 -53
31 3 R 17 4 -68 -121
32 14 17 5 95 -26
33 8 16 4 80 54
34 15 R 15 3 -45 9
35 21 R 15 4 -60 -51
36 5 15 5 105 54
37 15 R 14 4 -56 -2
38 0 14 5 110 108
39 10 R 13 4 -52 56
40 36 R 13 5 -65 -9
41 13 13 6 138 129
42 25 12 5 120 249
43 4 11 4 100 349
44 12 10 3 78 427
45 27 9 2 54 481
46 6 R 8 1 -8 473
47 35 R 8 2 -16 457
48 5 R 8 3 -24 433
49 25 R 8 4 -32 401
50 30 8 5 140 541
51 21 R 7 4 -28 513
52 33 R 7 5 -35 478
53 4 R 7 6 -42 436
54 31 7 7 203 639
55 15 R 6 6 -36 603
56 4 R 6 7 -42 561
57 0 R 6 8 -48 513
58 19 R 6 9 -54 459
59 0 R 6 10 -60 399
60 20 R 6 11 -66 333


Thank You.


Re: KTF's cousin named WTF (if everyone agrees)

Code: [Select]

Have you noticed lately that the unhits in a spin cycle seems to be getting more consistantly a little less than they were.
Usually only by 1 and it does not sound like much but when you add that to the fact that the multiple repeats have increased and the % of multiple repeats to single repeats, in the spin cycle, has typically gone from 25% to 33% these factors all add up.
Just a thought.

Below is the payout sheet for Nottos 9May16 Jackpot247 numbers.
5 Losses and 2 WIns to hit Win/Stop in 7 spins.

Where else can you lose more than twice the times you win and still come out ahead?
Still amazes me that more people are not doing this.

Note: Same reason for betting entry point as yesterday.


 JACKPOT247   9MAY16
Bet Repeats using Count, Nottos Averages, LOTT & G.U.T.
 S # R Bet P Stake Won Net Total
1 10
2 33
3 17
4 36
5 34
6 10 R1
7 35
8 29
9 20
10 6 9/10
11 20 R1
12 2
13 32
14 19
15 36 R1
16 26
17 23
18 22 11 1 11 -11 -11
19 3 11 2 22 -22 -33
20 33 R1 11 3 33 108 75 42
21 33 R2 10 2 20 -20 22
22 15 10 3 30 -30 -8
23 36 R2 10 4 40 -40 -48
24 19 R1 10 5 50 180 130 82       ---   Win/Stop reached so QUIT!!!
25 33 R2 9 1 9 -9 73      --- Note Progression rest
26 23 R1 12 2 24 72 48 121     ---   Note Countback
27 21 11 1 11 -11 110
28 28 11 2 22 -22 88
29 1 11 3 33 -33 55
30 33 R3 11 4 44 -44 11
31 3 R1 11 5 55 180 125 136
32 14 10 1 10 -10 126   ---   Progression reset
33 8 10 2 20 -20 106
34 15 R1 10 3 30 108 78 184
35 21 RX 9 4 36 -36 148
36 5 9 5 45 -45 103
37 15 R2 9 6 54 -54 49
NOTE:  R>R1 Designates numbers already repeated
           RX Designates Repeat not bet on.

Re: Random Thoughts

To be ultra safe it looks like 5 repeats are needed to be tracked on the Double Streets! Now I understand what Priyanka meant by "Short Sessions". The amount of tracking spins is increased, but the amount of actual spins where bets are placed are reduced significantly. This looks very much like the Holy Grail before we even look at modifying it for more Non-Random and increasing odds/variance.

Re: Random Thoughts

This looks very much like the Holy Grail before we even look at modifying it for more Non-Random and increasing odds/variance.

Bridgekeeper: Stop. What... is your name?

King Falkor: It is 'Falkor', King of the Britons.

Bridgekeeper: What... is your quest?

King Falkor: To seek the Holy Grail.

Bridgekeeper: What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

King Arthur: What do you mean? An African or European swallow?

Bridgekeeper: Huh? I... I don't know that...!!!!

[Bridgekeeper is thrown over the bridge]

Bridgekeeper: Auuuuuuuugh!

Sir Bedevere: How do know so much about swallows?

King Falkor: Well, you have to know these things when you're a king, you know. :)



Re: Random Thoughts

Actually, the sessions seem to be getting longer when tracking 5 repeats of a line - 4 seems the shortest but can still max out. It may or may not be the Holy Grail, but I don't fancy figuring out mad progressions again. Therefore, I think I am going to code the Quads system next as quite a lot of Priyanka's play has been figured out in that, and she said it gains 9% edge!

Re: Fixing loopholes

Re: Something I *THINK* got from Priyankas thread

Theres a difference between free speech and going around various forums doing what he does

Very disruptive

Others hold similar view points but dont conduct bafoonery on this scale

If i decide to play mary had a little lamb and if 2 reds come during the song i then bet black thats my choice.

Noone wants to silence anyone. But there is a level of tact that should be kept. He acts like he is 3 years old.

P.s. you mention patterns being predictable. Thats the road priyanka went down successfully

Re: Something I *THINK* got from Priyankas thread

Re: Something I *THINK* got from Priyankas thread


A new report from the University of Manitoba finds that people who troll on the Internet exhibit traits of “sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism” in real life

According to a new study published by the University of Manitoba, internet trolls — people who commonly lurk on message boards and post offensive material to get a rise out of people — exhibit anti-social behavior in their offline settings as well.

The research, conducted by University of Manitoba Erin Buckels and two colleagues, revealed that those who trolled online also tended to have the “Dark Tetrad of personality” — featuring traits of “sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism.”

The study concluded that “enjoyment of other online activities, such as chatting and debating, was unrelated to sadism. Thus cyber-trolling appears to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism.”

Re: Is it not obvious

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