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01.05.16   +127 in spin 38

Code: [Select]
1	0		37			
2 18 36
3 31 35
4 5 34
5 9 33
6 29 32
7 7 31
8 34 30
9 10 29
10 34 R 28
11 12 28 1 8 8
12 7 R 27 1 -27 -19
13 12 R 27 2 -54 -73
14 4 27 3 27 -46
15 15 26 2 20 -26
16 12 R 25 1 -25 -51
17 3 25 2 22 -29
18 1 24 1 12 -17
19 6 23 1 13 -4
20 36 22 1 14 10
21 0 R 21 1 -21 -11
22 9 R 21 2 -42 -53
23 23 21 3 45 -8
24 17 20 2 32 24
25 36 R 19 1 -19 5
26 29 R 19 2 -38 -33
27 29 R 19 3 -57 -90
28 13 19 4 68 -22
29 13 R 18 3 -54 -76
30 15 R 18 4 -72 -148
31 6 R 18 5 -90 -238
32 7 R 18 6 -108 -346
33 16 18 7 126 -220
34 28 17 6 114 -106
35 5 R 16 5 -80 -186
36 25 16 6 120 -66
37 22 15 5 105 39
38 2 14 4 88 127
39 30 13 3 69 196
40 0 R 12 2 -24 172
41 35 12 3 72 244
42 6 R 11 2 -22 222
43 10 R 11 3 -33 189
44 20 11 4 100 289
45 33 10 3 78 367
46 11 9 2 54 421
47 35 R 8 1 -8 413
48 21 8 2 56 469
49 14 7 1 29 498
50 17 R 6 1 -6 492
51 4 R 6 2 -12 480
52 19 6 3 90 570
53 29 R 5 2 -10 560
54 32 5 3 93 653
55 9 R 4 2 -8 645
56 24 4 3 96 741
57 23 R 3 2 -6 735
58 18 R 3 3 -9 726
59 13 R 3 4 -12 714
60 6 R 3 5 -15 699
61 20 R 3 6 -18 681
62 23
63 19
64 18
65 15
66 33
67 30
68 0
69 4
70 16
71 36
72 0
73 20
74 24
75 7
76 5
77 33
78 12
79 28
80 17
81 16

I would have stopped at spin 37 with +39, or even at spin 24 with +24 after all we have been betting for 13 spins and in a B&m that would be about 45 minutes.

Not that anybody will listen but KTF will win for you but you have to be careful of getting greedy because it will cost you in the end.

Let's ask our KTF Grand Wizard :wink:
Where would you have quit on this one?


Re: Unhit Numbers, KTF, And Other Bad Bets


Buried back 11 pages of course.

"What we would agree on - is that the 'common sense' way to play is also the same way
that most advantage players would play - meaning - we will both end up playing the same
numbers - for different reasons but to the same end of success."

I would offer that the chart in my signature shows that the bugs have been "worked out" from the second chart on that thread (even though that was fine and acceptable to begin with)

Re: Unhit Numbers, KTF, And Other Bad Bets


I dare to say that it doesn't even require a biased wheel. Any perfect wheel spitting out random numbers will produce numbers that hit well above 1 std and the right (cough) method will exploit this.

And how would you find them ?  :)

Re: If it's not rocket science it must be maths

Sorry, but it's nothing more than a random fluctuation.    I wish I could tell you that it would work, but it won't, and can't for obvious reasons.  One our of play is meaningless.

Best of luck,

The General.

Just a simple question to the General:

If we start watching a wheel and we make an 0 for every unhit number (37 0s) and we cross that 0 when a number has hit 0:
Will there be a situation where we have 19 unhits ( means 0s) and 18 hits (means 0)?
Could we say that the count from 37 to 19 could go on and end at 0?
Could we say that the count of hits will go from 0 to 37?
If we only watch the situation 19 0 vs 180, could we say IT MUST CROSS TO 18 0 vs 19 0?
Is this forced by nature of the game to happen or is it a such rare event, that we couldn´t bet on this to happen?
Is that a math-fact or is it a lie or a trick?

If we have this proven, could we transfer our knowledge to other situations than 0 vs 0?

Re: Unhit Numbers, KTF, And Other Bad Bets

Unfortunately, one standard deviation is just a fluctuation.  A random bob.  The standard deviation of a biased number will continue to grow as the spin sample grows larger and larger.  (It won't go straight up, it will move up and down slightly, but the over all trend will be upward.)

Re: Unhit Numbers, KTF, And Other Bad Bets

The Law,

Here's a map for ya so you can locate the table and win even more using somethin even more fancy like the reverse labby.  Heck, with somethin like the reverse labby you could own the strip.  Beware of them twins at the gates though, they'll try and fool ya.  They may even try and tell you that your system dont work, but dont believe themz.

Good luck!

And if you start losing, just double up or play random numbers against random.  That always works with the reverse labby.

By the way, be sure to use the Ws and Ls so that you can make your trackin sheet and know exactly whem themz wins are a comin.  ;)

Re: Hot threesomes

Hey,still testing...on thing that is weird.....testing are go with 2 casinos,live  dealer BUT,diffrents wheels,one is from wood i thing the other from iron and plastic don t know( but bounce like a yoyo) :)))) wood whelle more acuratte...ideas?


04/05/16 - Skyvegas (RNG)


Sheet attached.

Strange game thou in 20 spin had 3 doubles!

Loads of repeats aswell.

Same played for +20/30 profit.

Came in on the 13th spin!


Nottohammer did a great job,we apprecieate his work and Celtiknicks as well betting the repeats

Re: Random Thoughts

Thank you for this thread, Priyanka.

I now look at all games with fresh eyes!

Re: Unhit Numbers, KTF, And Other Bad Bets

"Actually, I usually don't have to collect any spins to determine if a wheel is biased.  Most of the time, I can spot a biased wheel on sight, and within minutes. Initially, I can even make some crude predictions on where the bias will be located.  However, I usually have to have a great deal of tracking in order to determine on which numbers to bet.  Some defects/assembly problems are very obvious.  Other's are almost invisible and require more careful observation."-the General

The Law,

I have great deal of experience with the wheels.  I own them, take them apart, reassembly them, test them, film them, etc.  In short I use light reflection movements to spot specific problems related to assembly or wear that tend to cause bias.  I will sometimes also use some short term data collection such as coefficient of restitution testing in order to spot loose lobes in the wheel.  It's so that I can determine which wheels to track, and which wheels to ignore. 

I have no interest in teaching anyone how to do it, because it's a bit complex, and I'm too lazy to teach someone.  Besides, even if I were to explain it, chances are you couldn't do it anyway.  It would be like handing someone a basket ball and instantly expecting them to be able to shoot three pointers.

Some people are better of sticking with hot number systems.  Ignatus has some fun systems.  You should also check out the reverse labby.  It's very simply and it's easy to comprehend, likely a better fit for you.  :thumbsup:

 There are also some good books out there on the game and some great websites, such as the wizardofodds.com, where you can learn some of the basic math behind the game

Best of luck,

The General.

Re: A very clever and extreme method - even money bets.

Will have to read this.

Thanks Ego!

Re: Random Thoughts

Nobody can win with statistics  or  semantics. 

My way: Plan your play and play your plan .

Losses as  well winnings should be accepted with the same  grace .

Wise words.  Too many people foolishly waste time trying to side step the probability of the game using statistics.

A better attack plan would be to use the data collection and statistics to exploit the wheel, rather than the game. 

Re: Unhit Numbers, KTF, And Other Bad Bets

The Law,

I have great deal of experience with the wheels.  I own them, take them apart, reassembly them, test them, film them, etc.  In short I use light reflection movements to spot specific problems related to assembly or wear that tend to cause bias.  I will sometimes also use some short term data collection such as coefficient of restitution testing in order to spot loose lobes in the wheel.  It's so that I can determine which wheels to track, and which wheels to ignore. 

I have no interest in teaching anyone how to do it, because it's a bit complex, and I'm too lazy to teach someone.  Besides, even if I were to explain it, chances are you couldn't do it anyway.  It would be like handing someone a basket ball and instantly expecting them to be able to shoot three pointers.

Some people are better of sticking with hot number systems.  Ignatus has some fun systems.  You should also check out the reverse labby.  It's very simply and it's easy to comprehend, likely a better fit for you.  :thumbsup:

 There are also some good books out there on the game and some great websites, such as the wizardofodds.com, where you can learn some of the basic math behind the game

Best of luck,

The General.

Sorry General.......I just can't resist.

You wrote :

"I have no interest in teaching anyone how to do it, because it's a bit complex, and I'm too lazy to teach someone.  Besides, even if I were to explain it, chances are you couldn't do it anyway.  It would be like handing someone a basket ball and instantly expecting them to be able to shoot three pointers."

So your logic here is........individuals (me in this instance) can't be taught to shoot 3-pointers..............because it's way too complex. :lol:

On second thought General.............I think I'll look for some accurate Roulette info elsewhere. Your apparent ignorance of basic logic does not inspire confidence.

Man......if this is how a General thinks...........imagine a Colonel :ooh:

Re: Unhit Numbers, KTF, And Other Bad Bets

So your logic here is........individuals (me in this instance) can't be taught to shoot 3-pointers..............because it's way too complex. :lol:

Sorry, but yep, that's my logic, and for some obvious reasons.   :thumbsup: 

Re: Random Thoughts

Non Random Numbers means we play the game knowing that numbers have to behave according to Proven Number Theories, ie Arithmetic.

No guessing.  Numbers have to do certain things ALL THE TIME.  Without a Doubt.  It has to happen.

I am in agreement here with Nickmsi.

Other names for "non-random" would be: methodical; planned; definite; specific and ermm... systematic.


Re: Random Thoughts

General, you are correct in that we have to focus on the non randomness but not only of the wheel but of the game itself.


Ignore the layout and forget the game.  Both are a fools folly.  Recorded history, math, all prove this much.    The "game" is merely a distraction for ordinary gamblers. 

The number theories are also a dead end.  They prove that the "game" can not be beaten, not the other way around.  The  number "theories" will not help you exploit the non random nature of the game.

Focus only on the wheel.

Re: Random Thoughts


As it pertains to roulette, the VDW(Van de Waerden) says that in every 9 spins you will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS (discounting the zero for now) have an Arithmetic Progression.

Isn´t that because it´s about a specific number of colours contained in a specific number of spins? Add blue and yellow to the red and black and there goes the arithmetic progression, or you´ll have to a) increase the number of spins; or b) change the rules. It´s not a "property of random" as I see it.

Re: Random Thoughts

Re: Horsepower

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