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Re: Multi player roulette 350,000

Im sorry

Its 20 numbers total correct?

If doz 1 and col 1 sleeps for 5 spins each we bet those 20 straight up

I did this exact thing with furthest back.

But i feel your way would do better

How often does it not work?

Re: Multi player roulette 350,000

Hey RouletteGhost,

You have the right idea, its about exploiting rare events.  10 reds come up in a row no big deal, but how often are they also all even, and all high.

Anyway, yes, the bet will cover 20 numbers. The system works quite well.

A lot of my bank is that I also bet really heavy. Like I will cover all numbers with 100 chip, then if that does win rebet and play max bet on the out side, then rebet and play the splits aswell, then rebet and play every spot I can. Then sometimes, I will rebet that just to hit it twice in a row. 

However, if I was playing real money, I would stick to the progression.

I'll have to run a system test to see the fail rate. I hope it is a rare unicorn.

Re: Multi player roulette 350,000

Sorry no screenshots today.

Try betting straight up numbers on all numbers in the target column and dozen, using the following progression for one spin each.


Start betting after 5 losses in a row on dozen and column. You only lose if both the column and dozen lose 10 times in a row at the same time.

3200 units  :-\

Re: KTF's cousin named WTF (if everyone agrees)

What is the maximum repeaters you ever seen in a row ? (And at what spin it started? )

Re: Zeroing In On EC Series


 Antlantis, maybe you could try to win two in a row with Carch progression.
 It has Three levels and you only lose it all if you strike 30 loses.

Re: Randomer Thoughts

Re: Randomer Thoughts

What can I say, all of the system guys love me.

Re: Randomer Thoughts

Re: Randomer Thoughts

Good luck with that thelaw. If you can't beat them join them.  :thumbsup:

Re: Randomer Thoughts

general went from 13 applauds to 44

can you say "inside job"

Sorry for the late response. I can confirm besides one "applaud" I gave him a few weeks ago, I have nothing to do with General's Karma. However I did notice he had severe changes in Karma. First it went extremely negative overnight about a week or so ago. Nobody seemed to complain about that. And now it went the other way. Again I have nothing to do with either.

I'm not going to argue about the point. It's nothing to do with me. I did have a karma log applied so I could see who votes what and when, but it caused problems with the forum so I disabled it.

Re: Last post as a wannabe professional gambler.

Re: trying to separate myself from roulette

Welcome to the General's fantasy hour. He's not going to teach you.........he already taught you........you missed it. :sad2:

So you've given us info that has "never seen the light of day"........like "google search" or biased-wheels.......wow.......so revolutionary. :yawn:

..............once again.........all-hat, no-cattle..........alluding as substance.

Phedra1: A Two-Number Odd & Even System

Procedure: Note the newest Odd and Even
spin-values.  Bet both once.  If win end session. 

If miss restart Procedure with the new trigger numbers.

Example: ...12,3,27,0,29 (newest spin-value)

Bet 12,29 once:   1.) 3(x)

Bet 3,12....

*If a zero shows re-bet the last bet.

Bankroll suggestion: 108 units per one unit base.
(three bankrolls of 36 units)

Win-Target: +10% of the original bankroll amount.

Linkback: http://www.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=17097.0

Re: follow the split flow

91 shots. Can you show me that progression pls ?

About the splits...you say 18 hits now bet 19/22... ok

11 hits.. why bet 9/12 and not 12/15 ?

Re: Last post as a wannabe professional gambler.

Indeed very honest. We all got kicked by the wheel. GUT is something special. But I did lost 1k with it last night. As wtf toke back half my profits too. So I'm just going back to what did best all the time...just my parlay .

Re: Food Blog

Re: Food Blog

Re: Food Blog

Re: Food Blog

RX Code for Wrangler's Strategy

I found a free system at the blog section of www.winning-roulettesystems.com
The profit graph looks nice and the strategy for even chances is not too complicated.

Is anybody willing to code it for RX?



Linkback: http://www.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=17101.0
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