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Re: Multiplayer roulette ready

How about just having the rankings make sense  :xd:

Re: RX Code for Wrangler's Strategy

Still a gem.
For shorter wait I added KTF and bet repeaters (think WTF?) depending on fast or slow trot. It boots profits dramatically and is with the clicker an easy thing.


And how you know the trot isn't gonna change from slow to fast and vice versa?
Coz with me that happens a looooot.  (Variance)
Agree it's easy with the clicker. Btw it's all free to find  :)

Dottie1: A Stationary Unnatural Quad System

Unnatural Quads reference:

1,2,34,35: 2,3,35,36

4,5,7,8: 5,6,8,9

10,13,11,14: 11,12,14,15

16,17,19,20: 17,18,20,21

22,23,25,26: 23,24,26,27

28,29,31,32: 29,30,32,33
Procedure: Note the newest first or third column spin-value. 
Bet the corresponding unnatural quad for up to nine spins. 

Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.

Example: ...21,5,2,35,20 (newest spin-value)

Bet 17,18,20,21 for up to nine spins....

Bankroll suggestion: 54 units per one unit base bet.
(three bankrolls of 18 units)

Win-Target: +10% of the original bankroll amount.

Linkback: http://www.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=17109.0

Re: RX Code for Wrangler's Strategy

I specially focus on the spins around the 19 vs. 18 crossing as trend change indicator. Same is if the the stronger favorites 2x, 3x hit more or less then expected. And I pause betting after two losses where I really did not expect them, waiting if my trend assessment is still valid. I also can see hints in the constellation of the 1x,2x,3x trend lines in the chart.

Would you mind posting the link to the free thing you mentioned?


Re: Dottie1: A Stationary Unnatural Quad System

Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Sunday, May 29,2016 @ 10:59pm CDT USA

#28 (newest spin-value)

Bet 28,29,31,32 for up to nine spins.

1.) 31(win)+160
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Sunday, May 29,2016 @ 11:00pm CDT USA

#12 (newest spin-value)

Bet 11,12,14,15 for up to nine spins.

1.) 12(win)+160
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Sunday, May 29,2016 @ 11:03pm CDT USA

#22 (newest spin-value)

Bet 22,23,25,26 for up to nine spins.

1.) 17(x)-20               2.) 13(x)-20               

3.) 22(win)+160
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Sunday, May 29,2016 @ 11:09pm CDT USA

#27 (newest spin-value)

Bet 23,24,26,27 for up to nine spins.

1.) 21(x)-20               2.) 8(x)-20

3.) 11(x)-20               4.) 22(x)-20

5.) 27(win)+160
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Sunday, May 29,2016 @ 11:26pm CDT USA

#27 (newest spin-value)

Bet 23,24,26,27 for up to nine spins.

1.) 27(win)+160
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Sunday, May 29,2016 @ 11:29pm CDT USA

#15 (newest spin-value)

Bet 11,12,14,15 for up to nine spins.

1.) 33(x)-20               2.) 15(win)+160
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Sunday, May 29,2016 @ 11:34pm CDT USA

Session total: -180
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Sunday, May 29,2016 @ 11:42pm CDT USA

...22,5,8 (newest spin-value)

Bet 22,23,25,26 for up to nine spins.

1.) 7(x)-20                 2.) 1(x)-20

3.) 00(x)-20               4.) 23(win)+160

Re: Outside the box: a different view on roulette numbers

The "straights" in the second (new) number stream are the positions of the roulette numbers in the "dynamic sequence".
So if we bet on a "number" in the second stream, we actually bet on a position in the dynamic stream. and the position in the dynamic stream is again linked to a  roulette number.

But here is the twist: the roulette number that is associated with position in the dynamic number stream varies!!
This part is so confusing. Let me attempt to "translate" this:
1) The straights = individual numbers?
2) "Second (new) number stream" = I don't see a "2nd" new number stream; I only see a set of numbers (nn) as generated from the random wheel.
3) position in the dynamic stream = which pigeon hole as opposed to any particular value
4) a roulette number that varies = too vague!

Original:So if we bet on a "number" in the second stream, we actually bet on a position in the dynamic stream.
Translation: So if we bet on a new number generated from the wheel we are betting on an associated pigeon hole in the dynamic stream.
Does that sound right? I guess something must be lost in translation.

Edit: new number stream = D1! Oops I never noticed that before...

Re: Outside the box: a different view on roulette numbers

The "straights" in the second (new) number stream are the positions of the roulette numbers in the "dynamic sequence".
So if we bet on a "number" in the second stream, we actually bet on a position in the dynamic stream. and the position in the dynamic stream is again linked to a  roulette number.

But here is the twist: the roulette number that is associated with position in the dynamic number stream varies!!
27 = position 1
5 = position 6
9 = position 10
24 = position 25
35 = position 1
20 = position 23
18 = position 21
33 = position 34
15 = position 20
19 = position 23

But since table 2 is generated from table 1 via the dynamic number recipe shouldn't we expect there to be a connection between D1 and it's associated pigeon hole? And if there was a 3rd number associated with the pigeon hole then presumably it would be on the same row? However, I don't really see any significance. I doubt we can create dependencies between different rows that would help us predict the future from the past and present. How would betting on D1 help us since we have to know the nn value first? I dunno I am just totally confused.

Re: Outside the box: a different view on roulette numbers

How? For example: when we have a repeat in the first set on the straights, in the second set, this will occur in 99.7% of the cases on "low". Or, even stricter: a repeat on straights in one system will will occur in the second system for 99.99994% on the first two dozens.
Does this mean that repeats occur on more recent numbers as opposed to an old number that appeared 25 spins ago?

Re: Last post as a wannabe professional gambler.

The free trial roulette computer is to test on any wheel but it needs to be in a youtube video, whether you or someone else put it there. Then I can calibrate the computer for the wheel. The accuracy is about the equivalent of the lite version computer. Not the Uber of Hybrid which are very different. You can get free trials of the Hybrid and test it all you want, but you need to be in a position to purchase. I can do this with the hybrid because you can test from an android phone you already have and aim the camera at your pc screen or tv to test spins. I dont give free trial of the Uber because it would involve me shipping physical equipment. In any case you can see the Uber or Hybrid computers in personal demos. I wont be doing the demos much longer though basically because I've had enough - it's very tiring to move the wheel, organize it all etc. Besides free trials are better than demos.

The free trial for jaa is completely different. It will be on Android software, although it can be run on your pc with an android emulator. I'll release more details about it later.

Re: Outside the box: a different view on roulette numbers

Enter D1 figures in a GUT tracker and you will see the trot behaves like original spun roulette numbers would. showing crossings and favourits at the expected positions.

random stays random.



Nobody is born with a religion. We get brainwashed with that crap. But if we're older we should know that nobody splits the ocean in two or turn water into wine. Must been strong weed they smoked back in the day. Lol

About those Muslims. ..go back where you came from. There's gonna happen something huge herre...but probably to late.


And the US wont take warning. They will be here soon

Not here on the forum though. Allah doesn't let them gamble

Re: KTF's cousin named WTF (if everyone agrees)

I think the answer has two parts :

1. The average of 1x.
At spin 28 5/9 1x has hit. So 4 more should come.
At spin 31 6/9 1x has hit. So 3 more should come.

2. You are low in the progression so to reach you win goal you do not want to reset.

- Tuddilue



Never make a bet without knowing why you are doing it.


Re: KTF's cousin named WTF (if everyone agrees)

Thanks Celt, Tuddi!

I am also trying to find logical place to start, but still having problem when to stop and should I take new 1x in new bets...


Well, I say f*ck this crap. BAN all public manifestations of relligion! Criminalize any public religious acts or talks religious related. All of them! You can have any relligion you want - inside your home only. And that's more then enough.
Sounds very familiar. ....anyone who doesnt comply...we can put them in an orange jump suit...parade them on tv then behead them...live.

We can get Ant and Dec with Devina Mcall to host the show

Im sure Simon Cowel already owns the format

Dublinbet - short sessions

"I will play no more than 12 spins per session"

Food for thought

Linkback: http://www.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=17121.0


Re: Outside the box: a different view on roulette numbers

Ooooh I got smited.  Why oooooo why ?
 :'(   :'(   :'(
I'll never be the same again.

On a positive note +11/-8
I'm up 3 units  :love:

Re: Wins on KTF

PS PeaBea, you are moderated because of suspicious behavior, like lots of initial posts that were somewhat pointless, like you were trying to build number of posts quickly for some reason. Also you seem to have a lot of potential fake names like foogus, nowun, doola, orlanuffin, button. Its not something to be proud of, as your avatar says. Moderation will be removed once you become a more established member.

Re: Real spins from electronic roulette.

Thanks for reply. I think some people must understand that roulette  Live or Electronic machine is real random number generator RNG, only computer generated numbers software animation of wheel and ball is not RNG. Real wheel and ball must be present to have chaotic system and law of the third, it is all what I need to beat any wheel. I made this screenshots to show Steve that numbers on rouletteplayers.org are totally different from real spins.

Re: Real spins from electronic roulette.

I totally agree .... if it's a real wheel and ball (airball,  live ) then it's a real rng.

About the spins here on org...no idea. The only thing I've noticed is a certain number repeats a lot. But that could just be luck or so...

Btw MJ...care to elaborate how you play?
Or some tips maybe ?

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